Темы для финала VIII Олимпиады

В первую очередь, финалистам необходимо выбрать одну из представленных тем и сообщить об этом организаторам по эл.почте.

В финале каждый из участников должен представить пятиминутную презентацию на заданную тему по одному из направлений — «Humanity» или «Science» и ответить на несколько вопросов жюри.

Подробнее смотрите Правила, п. 2.4. — «Третий тур. Устная презентация».

Список участников, прошедших в финал конкурса


Top  Tips from the Organizers

jessicaThe  most important thing to remember when looking at the questions we have set you  is that there is no right answer! What we are looking for above all is creative,  well-thought out answers, which tackle the questions posed in interesting ways.  As with your essays from Round II, you should take a clear stance on the issue  or topic and substantiate your argument with specific examples and solid  research.

Don’t be afraid to be bold or controversial – the questions are  designed to make you think, to be critical, and form your own opinions. You will  not find the answers on the internet alone!

Challenge yourselves and surprise  us!


А вот и перечень тем*:

*Одну тему могут выбрать не более 3 участников.


Последнее обновление
1 февраля 2018
1. Esperanto should overtake English as the world’s language of business. Discuss.
2. What does Britain’s Exit from the EU mean for Russia?  2. Mercer Sean
3. If a fish is submerged in water, is it aware that is wet?
4. “Admiration is the daughter of ignorance.” Benjamin Franklin. Discuss.
5. Good people do not require a set of laws to tell them to act responsibly. Do you agree?
6. In the 21st century, Individualism is dead. Discuss.
7. The rights of the individual are more important than the rights of the collective. Discuss.
8. Can one create wealth without producing poverty?
9. Is it possible to avoid war in modern times? 9. Yankovich Maria
10. Does ‘change’ always mean ‘progress’? 10. Spiridonova Lada
11. How do you know if you are successful? 11. Ledova Mariia
12. Is our identity defined by our possessions? 12. Katsay Anna
13. Hard work is more important than talent. Discuss.
(Тема закрыта)
13. Lapshina Victoria,
13. Plotnitskaya Alexandra
13. Suslin Vasiliy
14. Should women be allowed to join the armed forces?
15. Is Justice more important than Mercy? (Тема закрыта) 15. Kozlova Anastasia,
15. Eidelman Regina,
15. Partsiba Taisia.



16. What came first: the chicken or the egg? 16. Semyachkin Savely
17. Are there ethical ways to reduce the world population? 17. Nebratenko
18. Organ donation after death should be compulsory. Discuss. 18. Plyusch Polina,
18. Redchenko Gleb
19. Discuss the benefits and pitfalls of ‘The Internet of Things’. 19. Shashkov Konstantin
20. The increasing pace of automation means the death of the labour market and wider economy. Discuss. 20. Goraschenko Nikolay,
20. Ashkinazi Anna
21. Should ‘E-sports’ be included in the Olympics?
22. Euthanasia is a fundamental human right, and should therefore be made legal. Discuss. 22. Malov Fedor,
22. Savitskaya Daria
23. What is the worst invention of mankind? 23. Liutikova Nataly,
23. Levin Mikhail
24. Is immortality possible for humans? 24. Pilenkov Andrey
24. Karasayeva Diana
25. Poverty, rather than pollution, should be our global priority. Discuss.
26. Should eating meat be illegal?
27. Space travel and exploration is a waste of time, money and resources. Discuss.
(Тема закрыта)
27.Kogatko Anastasia,
27. Slepnev Nikita,
27. Popova Anastasia.
28. Antibiotic resistance is the biggest danger facing mankind. Discuss.


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