
Ольховая Ольга Вадимовна, учитель английского языка, Гимназия "Жуковка"

ольховая ольга вадимовнаI am invariably impressed by all events organized by Intellectual Educational Consultancy,

including the Intellectual Kings Olympiad. Everyone at the Consultancy puts a lot of thought and effort into organizing it to make it not only exciting for the kids but also a time well-spent for the teachers – we were invited to a great interactive workshop which kept us most beneficially occupied while the kids were busy doing the test. Everything was impeccably arranged and very well thought over. An elegant and touch to the event was added by a talented young musician playing the sax during the closing ceremony. A warm and friendly atmosphere as well as the feeling of being taken good care of – these are my impressions of the Olympiad semi-final.

Olga Olkhovaya

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